Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Sec disclosure

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Sec disclosure

Eleanor: Hi Ashley, have you heard about “SEC disclosure” in business and finance?

Ashley: No, what is it?

Eleanor: SEC disclosure refers to the requirement for companies to provide accurate and timely information about their financial condition and operations to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the public.

Ashley: Oh, I see. So, it’s like companies sharing their financial details with the government and investors?

Eleanor: Exactly. SEC disclosure ensures transparency and helps investors make informed decisions about buying or selling securities.

Ashley: Are there specific types of information that companies need to disclose to the SEC?

Eleanor: Yes, companies typically need to disclose financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, as well as details about significant events, risks, and management’s discussion and analysis.

Ashley: That sounds important. How often do companies need to make these disclosures?

Eleanor: Companies must make regular filings with the SEC, such as quarterly and annual reports, and they may also need to disclose material events promptly as they occur.

Ashley: Thanks for explaining, Eleanor. SEC disclosure seems crucial for maintaining transparency and trust in the financial markets.

Eleanor: No problem, Ashley. It’s a key aspect of regulatory compliance and investor protection in the securities industry.