Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Russian trading system

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Russian trading system

Bradley: Hey Ruby, have you heard about the Russian Trading System?

Ruby: No, Bradley, I haven’t. What is it?

Bradley: It’s a stock exchange based in Moscow, Russia, where Russian stocks and securities are traded.

Ruby: Interesting. Is it similar to other stock exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange?

Bradley: Yes, it functions similarly, providing a platform for buyers and sellers to trade stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments.

Ruby: Is the Russian Trading System popular among investors?

Bradley: It’s significant in Russia and the surrounding regions, but it may not be as well-known globally as exchanges like the NYSE or NASDAQ.

Ruby: Got it. So, it’s primarily for investors interested in Russian markets?

Bradley: Exactly. It’s the primary exchange for trading Russian securities, attracting both domestic and international investors.

Ruby: Thanks for explaining, Bradley. I’ll look into it further.

Bradley: No problem, Ruby. Let me know if you have any more questions about it.