Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Running ahead

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Running ahead

Lillian: Hi Lydia, have you ever heard of the term “running ahead” in business and finance?

Lydia: No, what does it mean?

Lillian: Running ahead refers to when a company spends money or makes decisions before they have the necessary resources or information.

Lydia: Oh, I see. So, it’s like acting hastily without proper planning or preparation?

Lillian: Exactly. Running ahead can lead to financial difficulties and inefficiencies in operations.

Lydia: Are there any consequences for a company that engages in running ahead?

Lillian: Yes, they might face cash flow problems, increased debt, or even bankruptcy if they’re unable to support their decisions financially.

Lydia: That sounds risky. How can companies avoid running ahead?

Lillian: Companies can avoid running ahead by conducting thorough research, planning, and budgeting before making any significant decisions.

Lydia: So, careful planning and preparation are key to preventing running ahead.

Lillian: Exactly. It’s essential for companies to have a solid foundation and strategy in place before moving forward with any initiatives.

Lydia: Thanks for explaining, Lillian. Running ahead seems like a risky behavior that companies should avoid.

Lillian: No problem, Lydia. It’s important for businesses to be mindful of their decisions and ensure they’re based on sound financial principles.