Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Revisionary trust

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Revisionary trust

Mary: Hi Clara! Do you know what a revisionary trust is in finance?

Clara: Hi Mary! Yes, a revisionary trust is a type of trust where the settlor retains the power to modify or revoke the trust during their lifetime.

Mary: That’s right. It allows the settlor to make changes to the trust terms, beneficiaries, or assets if circumstances change.

Clara: Yes, and the trustee manages the assets and follows the instructions laid out by the settlor until they pass away or choose to modify the trust.

Mary: Exactly. Revisionary trusts offer flexibility and control to the settlor while ensuring that their assets are managed according to their wishes.

Clara: Right. They are commonly used for estate planning purposes to provide for loved ones and protect assets.

Mary: Yes, revisionary trusts can help safeguard assets from creditors and ensure they are distributed according to the settlor’s intentions.

Clara: That’s correct. By establishing a revisionary trust, individuals can have peace of mind knowing their assets will be managed and distributed in line with their wishes.

Mary: Absolutely. It’s essential for individuals to seek legal advice when setting up a revisionary trust to ensure it aligns with their goals and objectives.

Clara: Yes, a qualified attorney can provide guidance on trust laws and help draft the trust documents to meet the settlor’s specific needs.

Mary: Right. This can include specifying how assets are to be distributed among beneficiaries and under what conditions.

Clara: Exactly. With proper planning and documentation, revisionary trusts can serve as effective tools for managing and protecting wealth for future generations.

Mary: Absolutely. They offer a way to preserve assets and provide for loved ones while allowing for flexibility and adaptation over time.