Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Remaining monthly balance

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Remaining monthly balance

Samuel: Hey Ashley, do you know what the remaining monthly balance is?

Ashley: Yes, Samuel. The remaining monthly balance is the amount of money left in an account or budget after all expenses and payments have been deducted for a specific month.

Samuel: Right. So, if I have $500 in my account at the beginning of the month and spend $300, my remaining monthly balance would be $200?

Ashley: That’s correct. Your remaining monthly balance would be $200, assuming you haven’t deposited or withdrawn any additional funds during the month.

Samuel: Got it. How can understanding the remaining monthly balance help with budgeting?

Ashley: Knowing your remaining monthly balance allows you to track your spending habits and ensure that you’re not overspending, helping you stay within your budget and avoid financial strain.

Samuel: Makes sense. Are there any tools or apps that can help track the remaining monthly balance?

Ashley: Yes, there are many budgeting apps available that automatically track your expenses and calculate your remaining monthly balance, making it easier to manage your finances.

Samuel: That sounds convenient. Are there any strategies for maintaining a healthy remaining monthly balance?

Ashley: Absolutely. Some strategies include setting a budget, prioritizing essential expenses, avoiding unnecessary purchases, and regularly reviewing your spending habits.

Samuel: It seems like having a clear understanding of the remaining monthly balance is essential for financial stability.

Ashley: Definitely. By monitoring your remaining monthly balance and making adjustments as needed, you can better achieve your financial goals and avoid financial stress.

Samuel: Thanks for explaining, Ashley. I’ll make sure to keep track of my remaining monthly balance from now on.

Ashley: You’re welcome, Samuel. It’s always good to stay on top of your finances and make informed decisions about your spending. Let me know if you have any more questions!