Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Relative strength

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Relative strength

Gabriella: Hi Autumn, have you heard of the term “relative strength” in business and finance?

Autumn: No, what is it?

Gabriella: Relative strength is a measure used in technical analysis to compare the performance of one asset to another, typically a stock compared to a market index.

Autumn: Oh, I see. So, it helps investors determine which assets are performing better relative to others?

Gabriella: Exactly. Relative strength can help investors identify assets that are showing strong performance compared to the broader market.

Autumn: Are there any specific indicators used to calculate relative strength?

Gabriella: Yes, one common indicator is the relative strength index (RSI), which compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in price.

Autumn: That sounds useful. How do investors use relative strength in their decision-making process?

Gabriella: Investors use relative strength to identify potential investment opportunities and make decisions about buying or selling assets.

Autumn: Are there any risks associated with relying on relative strength analysis?

Gabriella: Yes, there’s always the risk that past performance may not predict future results, so investors should use relative strength analysis as part of a broader investment strategy.

Autumn: Thanks for explaining, Gabriella. Relative strength analysis seems like a valuable tool for investors.

Gabriella: No problem, Autumn. It’s one of many tools investors can use to analyze the markets and make informed decisions.