Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Quotation board

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Quotation board

Johnny: Hey Hannah, have you ever heard of a quotation board in finance?

Hannah: Hi Johnny, yes, a quotation board is a display used to show current prices of stocks, bonds, commodities, or other financial instruments.

Johnny: That’s right. It’s commonly found in stock exchanges or financial institutions to provide traders and investors with real-time market information.

Hannah: Do quotation boards display only prices, or do they include other relevant data too?

Johnny: They often include additional data such as trading volumes, bid and ask prices, and changes in prices from previous sessions to help traders make informed decisions.

Hannah: Are quotation boards still widely used in today’s digital age?

Johnny: Yes, although many trading platforms now offer electronic displays, quotation boards are still used in physical trading floors and financial institutions for quick reference.

Hannah: I see. So, even with advances in technology, quotation boards remain an important tool for monitoring market activity.

Johnny: Exactly. They provide a snapshot of market dynamics and help traders react swiftly to changes in prices and volumes.

Hannah: Thanks for explaining, Johnny. Quotation boards seem like a fundamental aspect of the financial markets.

Johnny: You’re welcome, Hannah. If you have any more questions about finance or trading, feel free to ask.

Hannah: I will, Johnny. Thanks again for the informative conversation.

Johnny: Anytime, Hannah. Take care!