Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Qualitative analysis

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Qualitative analysis

Scarlett: Hey Harper, have you ever heard of “qualitative analysis” in business and finance?

Harper: Yes, qualitative analysis involves evaluating non-numeric factors like management quality, brand reputation, and market trends to make investment decisions.

Scarlett: That sounds interesting. How does qualitative analysis differ from quantitative analysis?

Harper: Quantitative analysis focuses on numerical data and metrics, such as financial ratios and historical performance, while qualitative analysis examines qualitative factors that may affect a company’s performance.

Scarlett: I see. Can you give an example of how qualitative analysis is used in finance?

Harper: Sure, for example, when considering whether to invest in a company, qualitative analysis might involve assessing the company’s competitive advantages, the effectiveness of its leadership, and its position within the industry.

Scarlett: That makes sense. Are there any challenges associated with qualitative analysis?

Harper: Yes, qualitative analysis can be subjective and open to interpretation, as it relies on qualitative judgments rather than objective data.

Scarlett: I see. How do investors incorporate qualitative analysis into their decision-making process?

Harper: Investors may use a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a company’s prospects and make informed investment decisions.

Scarlett: Got it. So, qualitative analysis is an essential tool for evaluating the qualitative aspects of investments.

Harper: Exactly. It helps investors assess factors that may not be captured by quantitative data alone.