Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Purchase acquisition

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Purchase acquisition

Mary: Hi Louis, do you know what a purchase acquisition is in business?

Louis: Hey Mary, yes, it’s when one company buys another and the purchase price is higher than the fair market value of the acquired company’s assets.

Mary: That’s right, and the excess amount paid is recorded as goodwill on the acquiring company’s balance sheet.

Louis: Exactly, it represents the value of intangible assets such as brand reputation or customer relationships.

Mary: Right, and it’s important for the acquiring company to accurately assess the value of the target company’s assets and liabilities.

Louis: Absolutely, as it can impact the financial health and performance of the combined entity post-acquisition.

Mary: Agreed, it’s a significant event in the business world and requires careful consideration and analysis.

Louis: Definitely, and it often involves negotiations and due diligence to ensure a successful outcome.

Mary: Yes, both parties need to understand the terms and implications of the acquisition thoroughly.

Louis: Absolutely, it’s a complex process that can have long-term effects on both companies involved.

Mary: True, thanks for the insights, Louis.

Louis: No problem, Mary. Always happy to discuss finance topics with you.