Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Progress payments

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Progress payments

Avery: Hey Dennis, have you heard about progress payments in business?

Dennis: Hi Avery! Yes, progress payments are partial payments made to a contractor during a project’s completion.

Avery: That’s correct, Dennis. They’re usually based on the percentage of work completed or specific milestones achieved.

Dennis: Exactly, Avery. Progress payments help contractors cover ongoing expenses and maintain cash flow throughout the project.

Avery: Indeed, Dennis. They also provide assurance to clients that work is progressing as planned and encourage timely completion.

Dennis: That’s right, Avery. However, it’s essential for both parties to agree on the terms and conditions of progress payments upfront to avoid disputes later on.

Avery: Absolutely, Dennis. Clear communication and documentation are crucial to ensure transparency and accountability in the payment process.

Dennis: Yes, Avery. Contractors should keep detailed records of their progress to support payment requests and resolve any issues that may arise.

Avery: Agreed, Dennis. And clients should review progress reports carefully to verify the work completed before authorizing payments.

Dennis: That’s correct, Avery. It’s a collaborative effort to ensure fair and timely compensation while maintaining project quality and integrity.

Avery: Indeed, Dennis. Progress payments serve as a win-win solution for both contractors and clients when managed effectively and transparently.

Dennis: Absolutely, Avery. They promote trust and cooperation between parties, leading to successful project outcomes and long-term business relationships.

Avery: Well said, Dennis. With clear expectations and communication, progress payments can streamline project management and contribute to overall project success.

Dennis: Absolutely, Avery. It’s about fostering mutual trust and respect to achieve shared goals and deliver value to all stakeholders involved.