Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Proceeds sale

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Proceeds sale

Ethan: Hey Nova, have you ever sold something and received proceeds from the sale?

Nova: Yeah, I sold my old car last year and got some money from it. What about you?

Ethan: I sold some old furniture recently and got proceeds from the sale. Do you know what proceeds are exactly?

Nova: I think proceeds are the money you receive from selling something after deducting any expenses or costs associated with the sale.

Ethan: That’s right. It’s the amount of money you end up with after subtracting any fees, taxes, or other expenses related to the sale.

Nova: So, if you sold something for $500 but had to pay $50 in fees, your proceeds would be $450, right?

Ethan: Exactly. The proceeds are the net amount you receive after all deductions. It’s important to consider these costs when calculating the overall profitability of a sale.

Nova: Got it. Thanks for explaining, Ethan.

Ethan: No problem, Nova. If you ever need help understanding anything else about finances, feel free to ask.