Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Pin number

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Pin number

Addison: Hey Jeremy, do you know why we need a PIN number for our bank cards?

Jeremy: Yes, Addison, a PIN number adds an extra layer of security to our transactions, ensuring that only authorized users can access our accounts.

Addison: That makes sense. I always wondered why we need it, but it’s good to know it’s for our protection.

Jeremy: Absolutely, Addison. It helps prevent unauthorized access to our funds and reduces the risk of fraud or identity theft.

Addison: Have you ever had any issues with remembering your PIN number?

Jeremy: Not really, Addison. I usually choose a PIN that’s easy for me to remember but hard for others to guess, like a combination of numbers that have significance to me.

Addison: That’s smart. I should probably do the same. Do you think it’s safe to write down your PIN somewhere in case you forget it?

Jeremy: It’s generally not recommended, Addison. Writing down your PIN increases the risk of someone finding it and using it to access your accounts without your permission.

Addison: I see your point. I’ll make sure to commit it to memory instead. Thanks for the advice, Jeremy.

Jeremy: No problem, Addison. It’s important to prioritize security when it comes to our finances. If you ever need help with anything else, feel free to ask.

Addison: Thanks, Jeremy. I’ll keep that in mind.