Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Philadelphia board of trade

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Philadelphia board of trade

Jordan: Hey Evelyn, have you ever heard of the Philadelphia Board of Trade?

Evelyn: No, what is it?

Jordan: The Philadelphia Board of Trade is a commodities exchange where traders buy and sell various commodities such as grains, metals, and energy products.

Evelyn: Oh, so it’s like a marketplace for trading raw materials and agricultural products?

Jordan: Exactly. It provides a platform for producers, consumers, and speculators to trade commodities and manage price risks.

Evelyn: That sounds important. How does the Philadelphia Board of Trade operate?

Jordan: The Philadelphia Board of Trade operates through a system of open outcry trading where traders physically gather on a trading floor to execute trades through shouting and hand signals.

Evelyn: Interesting. Are there any advantages to trading on the Philadelphia Board of Trade?

Jordan: One advantage is that it provides transparency and price discovery for commodities, allowing market participants to make informed decisions based on real-time market information.

Evelyn: I see. So, who typically trades on the Philadelphia Board of Trade?

Jordan: Traders on the Philadelphia Board of Trade include farmers, producers, consumers, speculators, and institutional investors who seek to hedge their exposure to commodity price fluctuations.

Evelyn: Thanks for explaining, Jordan. The Philadelphia Board of Trade seems like a vital institution for commodity markets.

Jordan: No problem, Evelyn. It plays a crucial role in facilitating trade and price discovery for various commodities, contributing to the efficiency of the broader economy.