Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Open order

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Open order

Peyton: Hey Jordan, have you ever heard about open orders in business and finance?

Jordan: Yes, I have. An open order is an instruction given by an investor to a broker to buy or sell a security at a specific price, but without specifying a time limit for execution.

Peyton: That’s right. Open orders remain active until they are either filled, canceled, or expired, allowing investors to set their desired price levels without constantly monitoring the market.

Jordan: Can you give me an example of when someone might use an open order?

Peyton: Sure. Let’s say an investor wants to buy shares of a company, but only if the stock price falls to a certain level. They can place an open order with their broker to buy the shares if the price reaches that specified level.

Jordan: How does an open order differ from a market order?

Peyton: Unlike a market order, which instructs the broker to execute the trade immediately at the current market price, an open order allows investors to set specific price conditions for buying or selling a security.

Jordan: Are there any risks associated with using open orders?

Peyton: Yes, there are. Since open orders remain active until filled or canceled, there’s a possibility that the specified price may never be reached, resulting in the order remaining unfilled.

Jordan: How do investors manage their open orders?

Peyton: Investors can monitor their open orders through their brokerage accounts and make adjustments or cancel them as needed based on changes in market conditions or their investment goals.

Jordan: Thanks for explaining, Peyton. I have a better understanding of open orders now.

Peyton: No problem, Jordan. I’m glad I could help. Let me know if you have any more questions about business and finance topics.