Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Nominal interest rate

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Nominal interest rate

Riley: Hi Matthew, do you know what a nominal interest rate is in finance?

Matthew: Yes, I do. It’s the interest rate stated on a loan or investment without adjusting for inflation.

Riley: That’s correct. The nominal interest rate represents the actual percentage of interest charged or earned on a financial product.

Matthew: So, how does the nominal interest rate differ from the real interest rate?

Riley: The real interest rate takes inflation into account, providing a more accurate measure of purchasing power.

Matthew: I see. So, the real interest rate reflects the true cost of borrowing or the actual return on investment?

Riley: Exactly. It’s important for investors and borrowers to consider both the nominal and real interest rates when making financial decisions.

Matthew: Are there any factors that can affect nominal interest rates?

Riley: Yes, factors like inflation expectations, central bank policies, and overall economic conditions can influence nominal interest rates.

Matthew: I understand. So, changes in these factors can lead to fluctuations in nominal interest rates?

Riley: Yes, that’s correct. Nominal interest rates can fluctuate over time in response to changes in the economic environment.

Matthew: Thanks for explaining, Riley. I have a better understanding of nominal interest rates now.

Riley: No problem, Matthew. I’m glad I could help. Let me know if you have any more questions about business and finance topics.