Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Net income per share of common stock

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Net income per share of common stock

Charlotte: Hi Jack, do you know what net income per share of common stock means?

Jack: Hey Charlotte, yes, it’s the amount of profit a company makes per outstanding share of common stock.

Charlotte: That’s right. It’s calculated by dividing the company’s net income by the total number of outstanding shares of common stock.

Jack: Exactly. It’s an important financial metric that helps investors understand how profitable a company is on a per-share basis.

Charlotte: Yes, and it’s often used by investors to assess the company’s profitability and compare it to other companies in the same industry.

Jack: Right. A higher net income per share of common stock indicates that the company is generating more profit for each share of common stock outstanding.

Charlotte: Yes, while a lower net income per share of common stock may suggest lower profitability or dilution due to the issuance of additional shares.

Jack: That’s correct. Investors pay close attention to this metric when evaluating a company’s financial performance and potential for future growth.

Charlotte: Absolutely. It provides valuable insights into the company’s earnings and helps investors make informed investment decisions.

Jack: Agreed. Understanding a company’s net income per share of common stock is essential for assessing its financial health and long-term prospects.

Charlotte: Definitely. It’s one of the key metrics used in fundamental analysis to gauge the value of a company’s stock.