Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Minimum fluctuation

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Minimum fluctuation

Emily: Hey Morgan, do you know what “minimum fluctuation” means in finance?

Morgan: Hi Emily! Yes, it refers to the smallest allowable change in the price of a financial instrument, like a stock or commodity.

Emily: Ah, got it. So, if the minimum fluctuation for a stock is $0.01, it means the price can only change in increments of one cent?

Morgan: Exactly, Emily. It helps maintain orderly trading by setting a limit on how much the price can move at once.

Emily: That makes sense. Does the minimum fluctuation vary depending on the financial instrument or market?

Morgan: Yes, Emily. Different markets and instruments have different minimum fluctuation rules, depending on factors like liquidity and volatility.

Emily: Interesting. So, a highly liquid market might have a smaller minimum fluctuation compared to a less liquid one?

Morgan: That’s right, Emily. In liquid markets, even small price changes can represent significant value, so the minimum fluctuation tends to be smaller.

Emily: I see. And does the minimum fluctuation affect trading strategies or investment decisions?

Morgan: Absolutely, Emily. Traders and investors need to consider the minimum fluctuation when placing orders or analyzing price movements.

Emily: Thanks for explaining, Morgan. It’s important to understand how minimum fluctuation impacts trading.

Morgan: No problem, Emily. If you have any more questions about finance or trading, feel free to ask.

Emily: Will do, Morgan. Thanks again for your help!

Morgan: Anytime, Emily. Happy to help!