Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Living dead

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Living dead

Dennis: Hi Penelope, have you heard the term “living dead” in business?

Penelope: No, what does it mean?

Dennis: It refers to companies that are technically insolvent but continue to operate because they can still meet their debt obligations and cover operating costs.

Penelope: Oh, so they’re like businesses that are barely surviving?

Dennis: Exactly. These companies may not be thriving, but they’re still able to function, albeit with financial difficulties.

Penelope: That sounds challenging. Are there any risks associated with being a “living dead” company?

Dennis: Yes, there are risks such as decreased investment, reduced competitiveness, and the potential for eventual bankruptcy if financial conditions worsen.

Penelope: I see. So, how can companies avoid becoming “living dead”?

Dennis: Companies can take proactive measures such as restructuring debt, cutting costs, or seeking new sources of revenue to improve their financial health.

Penelope: Thanks for explaining, Dennis. It’s important for businesses to stay financially resilient.

Dennis: No problem, Penelope. Being aware of the risks and taking appropriate actions can help companies navigate challenging times more effectively.