Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Little dragons

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Little dragons

Stella: Hi Taylor, have you heard of the term “little dragons” in the context of business and finance?

Taylor: Hi Stella, yes, “little dragons” refers to small and rapidly growing economies in East Asia, like Taiwan and South Korea.

Stella: That’s right. These countries experienced rapid industrialization and economic growth, similar to the larger “Asian Tigers” such as Singapore and Hong Kong.

Taylor: Exactly. Despite their smaller size, these “little dragons” played significant roles in the global economy due to their export-oriented policies and emphasis on technology and manufacturing.

Stella: Absolutely. Their success served as inspiration for other developing nations looking to achieve rapid economic growth through industrialization.

Taylor: Indeed. The term “little dragons” highlights the remarkable economic transformation and potential of these smaller Asian economies.

Stella: Yes, and their success stories continue to influence economic policies and strategies worldwide.