Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Liquid assets

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Liquid assets

Gabriel: Hi Sofia, do you know what liquid assets are in finance?

Sofia: Hi Gabriel, yes, liquid assets are assets that can be easily converted into cash without significant loss of value, like stocks or savings accounts.

Gabriel: That’s correct. Liquid assets are essential for businesses to meet short-term financial obligations quickly.

Sofia: Why are liquid assets important for individuals?

Gabriel: Individuals rely on liquid assets for emergencies or unexpected expenses, providing financial flexibility and peace of mind.

Sofia: Are there different types of liquid assets?

Gabriel: Yes, besides stocks and savings accounts, liquid assets can include cash, government bonds, and some types of mutual funds.

Sofia: How do businesses determine their liquid asset levels?

Gabriel: Businesses typically assess their liquidity ratios, comparing their liquid assets to their short-term liabilities, to ensure they have enough cash on hand to cover expenses.

Sofia: What are the risks associated with relying too heavily on liquid assets?

Gabriel: While liquid assets provide flexibility, holding too many can result in missed investment opportunities or lower returns compared to long-term investments.

Sofia: So, it’s about finding the right balance?

Gabriel: Exactly. It’s essential for both individuals and businesses to strike a balance between liquidity and investment to achieve their financial goals.

Sofia: Thanks for explaining, Gabriel. Liquid assets seem crucial for financial stability and flexibility.