Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Limit down

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Limit down

Savannah: Hi Kennedy, have you heard about “limit down” in business and finance?

Kennedy: No, what does it mean?

Savannah: Limit down refers to the maximum amount by which the price of a security or commodity futures contract can decrease in a single trading session, usually set by exchange rules to prevent extreme price volatility.

Kennedy: Oh, I see. So, it’s like a circuit breaker to prevent market crashes?

Savannah: Exactly. When a security hits its limit down level, trading may be halted temporarily to allow investors to reassess their positions and prevent panic selling.

Kennedy: Are there any specific factors that trigger a limit down?

Savannah: Limit down levels are typically triggered by predefined percentage declines in the price of the security or contract, serving as a safeguard against rapid and excessive price drops.

Kennedy: That sounds important. How often do limit down events occur?

Savannah: Limit down events are relatively rare but can happen during periods of extreme market volatility or in response to unexpected news or events.

Kennedy: Thanks for explaining, Savannah. Limit down seems like a measure to maintain stability and protect investors during turbulent market conditions.

Savannah: No problem, Kennedy. It’s a critical aspect of risk management in financial markets to ensure fair and orderly trading.