Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Internal revenue service restructuring and reform act of

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Internal revenue service restructuring and reform act of

Piper: Layla, have you heard about the Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998?

Layla: No, what is it about?

Piper: It’s a law that aimed to restructure and reform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to improve its efficiency and accountability.

Layla: That sounds important. What were some of the changes it made?

Piper: Well, it created the Taxpayer Advocate Service to help taxpayers resolve issues with the IRS, and it also established new procedures for handling taxpayer complaints and appeals.

Layla: Ah, I see. So it was designed to make the IRS more responsive and user-friendly for taxpayers.

Piper: Exactly. It also introduced measures to combat taxpayer abuse and protect taxpayers’ rights during the enforcement process.

Layla: That’s good to hear. It’s important for government agencies to operate fairly and transparently.

Piper: Yes, the act aimed to restore public trust in the IRS by promoting fairness, integrity, and accountability in its operations.

Layla: Did it have any impact on tax laws or regulations?

Piper: Yes, it led to changes in tax administration practices and procedures to make the system more efficient and less burdensome for taxpayers.

Layla: That’s great. It sounds like it had a positive impact on the way taxes are administered in the United States.

Piper: Definitely. It was a significant piece of legislation aimed at improving the IRS and enhancing the taxpayer experience.