Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Internal revenue code

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Internal revenue code

Paisley: Hi Stella, have you heard about the Internal Revenue Code?

Stella: Yes, I have. It’s a comprehensive set of tax laws enacted by the United States Congress to govern the taxation of individuals, businesses, and other entities.

Paisley: That’s right. The Internal Revenue Code covers various aspects of taxation, including income taxes, estate taxes, and gift taxes.

Stella: Are there specific sections or provisions within the Internal Revenue Code that you find interesting?

Paisley: Yes, there are. For example, Section 162 allows businesses to deduct ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out their trade or business.

Stella: I see. So, it provides guidelines for determining what expenses are deductible for businesses?

Paisley: Exactly. Understanding the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code is crucial for businesses to ensure compliance with tax laws and optimize their tax position.

Stella: Are there any recent changes or updates to the Internal Revenue Code that businesses should be aware of?

Paisley: Yes, tax laws are subject to change, and businesses should stay updated on any amendments or revisions to the Internal Revenue Code that may affect their tax liabilities.

Stella: I understand. So, it’s important for businesses to work with tax professionals to navigate the complexities of the Internal Revenue Code?

Paisley: Yes, that’s a good approach. Tax professionals can help businesses interpret and apply the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code to their specific circumstances.

Stella: Thanks for explaining, Paisley.

Paisley: No problem, Stella. The Internal Revenue Code is a fundamental resource for businesses and individuals navigating the complexities of the U.S. tax system.