Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Income taxes

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Income taxes

Joe: Hey Riley, have you filed your income taxes yet?

Riley: Yeah, I did it last week. It was a bit confusing, but I got through it.

Joe: I always find taxes complicated too. Did you use any software to help?

Riley: Yeah, I used an online tax service. It made things a lot easier to understand.

Joe: I’ve been thinking about hiring an accountant this year. Do you think it’s worth the extra cost?

Riley: It depends on your situation. If you have complex finances, it might be a good idea to get professional help.

Joe: That makes sense. Did you get a refund or did you owe money?

Riley: I ended up getting a small refund this year. It was a nice surprise.

Joe: Lucky you! I usually end up owing money. How do you plan to use your refund?

Riley: I’m thinking about putting it into my savings account for a rainy day.

Joe: Smart move. I need to start saving more too. Taxes always remind me of that.

Riley: Yeah, it’s a good reminder to keep our finances in check. Have you thought about any tax-saving strategies?

Joe: Not really, I’ve just been trying to keep track of my expenses. Do you have any tips?

Riley: One thing I do is contribute to a retirement account. It lowers my taxable income and helps me save for the future.

Joe: That sounds like a good idea. I’ll have to look into that. Thanks for the tip, Riley.

Riley: No problem, Joe. Anytime you need advice on finances, just ask!