Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Goodbye kiss

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Goodbye kiss

Vanessa: Hi Freddie, have you heard of the term “goodbye kiss” in finance? It’s used to describe a last-minute spike in a stock’s price just before it’s sold off.

Freddie: Oh, interesting. How does it happen?

Vanessa: It often occurs when investors try to artificially inflate the stock’s price to make it more attractive to potential buyers before they sell off their shares.

Freddie: Is a goodbye kiss considered a form of market manipulation?

Vanessa: Yes, it can be seen as market manipulation because it gives a false impression of the stock’s value and can deceive other investors.

Freddie: Are there any consequences for engaging in a goodbye kiss?

Vanessa: Yes, it’s illegal and can result in regulatory scrutiny, fines, and even criminal charges for those involved.

Freddie: How can investors protect themselves from falling victim to a goodbye kiss?

Vanessa: It’s essential for investors to conduct thorough research, diversify their portfolios, and be wary of sudden price movements without fundamental reasons.

Freddie: Thanks for explaining, Vanessa. Goodbye kisses sound like a risky maneuver for investors.

Vanessa: You’re welcome, Freddie. It’s important to be cautious and vigilant to avoid being caught up in deceptive market practices.