Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Gnomes of

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Gnomes of

Jeffrey: Hi Scarlett, have you ever heard of the “Gnomes of Zurich”?

Scarlett: No, Jeffrey, I haven’t. What are they?

Jeffrey: The term “Gnomes of Zurich” refers to Swiss bankers and financiers, particularly those in Zurich, who are known for their expertise in international finance and banking.

Scarlett: Ah, I see. Why are they called “Gnomes”?

Jeffrey: The term “Gnomes” was coined to portray them as secretive and mysterious figures who control large amounts of wealth and financial power.

Scarlett: Interesting. What role do the Gnomes of Zurich play in the global economy?

Jeffrey: They are often involved in managing and safeguarding the wealth of individuals and institutions from around the world, as well as facilitating international financial transactions and investments.

Scarlett: Do the Gnomes of Zurich have a significant impact on financial markets?

Jeffrey: Yes, Scarlett. Their actions and decisions can influence currency exchange rates, interest rates, and even global economic stability.

Scarlett: Are the Gnomes of Zurich still as influential today as they were in the past?

Jeffrey: While their influence may have waned somewhat with the globalization of finance, Swiss banks and financial institutions remain important players in the global financial system.

Scarlett: What are some characteristics commonly associated with the Gnomes of Zurich?

Jeffrey: They are often perceived as conservative, discreet, and highly skilled in managing wealth and investments.

Scarlett: It seems like the Gnomes of Zurich have left a lasting impression on the world of finance.

Jeffrey: Indeed, Scarlett. Their reputation for financial acumen and discretion continues to be renowned in the global financial community.