Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Floating rate note

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Floating rate note

Jerry: Hey Madelyn, have you ever heard about floating rate notes?

Madelyn: Yeah, I think they’re bonds where the interest rate changes with the market.

Jerry: Exactly! They’re tied to a benchmark rate, like LIBOR or the Treasury rate.

Madelyn: So, when the benchmark rate goes up, the interest on the note goes up too, right?

Jerry: That’s correct. It provides some protection against interest rate risk compared to fixed-rate bonds.

Madelyn: But aren’t they more complex than fixed-rate bonds?

Jerry: In a way, yes. Investors need to stay updated on the benchmark rates to anticipate changes in interest payments.

Madelyn: That sounds like it requires more attention compared to fixed-rate bonds.

Jerry: Indeed, it does. But for some investors, the potential for higher returns in rising rate environments makes them attractive.