Advanced English Dialogue for Business – External funds

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About External funds

Mariah: Hi Evelyn! Do you know what “external funds” mean in business and finance?

Evelyn: Hi Mariah! Yes, “external funds” refer to money that comes from outside sources, such as loans, investments, or grants, rather than from within the company’s own operations.

Mariah: That’s right. External funds are often used by businesses to finance growth, expansion, or operations when internal funds are insufficient.

Evelyn: Exactly. By accessing external funds, businesses can leverage additional capital to pursue opportunities or address financial needs.

Mariah: Yes, and external funds can be obtained from various sources, including banks, venture capitalists, angel investors, or through issuing bonds or stocks.

Evelyn: Right. However, businesses must carefully consider the terms and conditions associated with external funding options to ensure they align with their financial goals and capabilities.

Mariah: Absolutely. It’s essential for businesses to assess the cost, risk, and potential impact on ownership and control when deciding to seek external funds.

Evelyn: Yes, and while external funds can provide valuable resources, they also come with obligations, such as repayment of loans or sharing profits with investors.

Mariah: That’s correct. Businesses must strike a balance between using external funds to support growth and maintaining financial stability and control.

Evelyn: Indeed. Ultimately, the effective management of external funds is crucial for businesses to sustain and grow their operations over the long term.

Mariah: Definitely. By understanding the implications of accessing external funds and making informed decisions, businesses can optimize their financial strategies and achieve their objectives.