Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Earnings ratio

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Earnings ratio

Elise: Hi Ariana, do you know what an earnings ratio is in finance?

Ariana: No, what is it?

Elise: An earnings ratio, also known as a price-to-earnings ratio, measures the relationship between a company’s stock price and its earnings per share.

Ariana: Oh, I see. So, it helps investors assess whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued based on its earnings?

Elise: Exactly. A high earnings ratio might indicate that investors are willing to pay more for each dollar of earnings, while a low ratio might suggest the stock is undervalued.

Ariana: Are there any other factors that investors consider when interpreting earnings ratios?

Elise: Yes, investors also compare a company’s earnings ratio to its historical performance and to the ratios of other companies in the same industry.

Ariana: That makes sense. So, context is important when analyzing earnings ratios.

Elise: Absolutely. Context helps investors make more informed decisions about the value of a company’s stock.

Ariana: How do companies use earnings ratios?

Elise: Companies might use earnings ratios to benchmark their performance against competitors or to attract investors by showing that their stock is undervalued.

Ariana: I see. So, earnings ratios are not only useful for investors but also for companies themselves.

Elise: Right. It’s a key metric that provides insights into a company’s financial health and market perception.

Ariana: Thanks for explaining, Elise. Earnings ratios seem like an important tool for investors and businesses alike.

Elise: No problem, Ariana. Understanding earnings ratios can help individuals make more informed decisions in the financial markets.