Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Deferred sales charge

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Deferred sales charge

Brandon: Hey Ariana, have you ever heard of a deferred sales charge?

Ariana: Hi Brandon, yes, I have. It’s a fee charged when investors sell certain mutual fund shares within a specified period after purchase.

Brandon: That’s correct. The charge is usually a percentage of the amount being redeemed and gradually decreases over time, incentivizing investors to hold onto their investments for longer periods.

Ariana: Right. Deferred sales charges are sometimes referred to as back-end loads and are designed to discourage short-term trading of mutual fund shares.

Brandon: Exactly. They’re intended to align the interests of fund managers with those of long-term investors by discouraging frequent buying and selling.

Ariana: That’s true. Although deferred sales charges can reduce the immediate cost of investing in a mutual fund, investors should carefully consider their investment goals and time horizon before purchasing shares subject to these charges.

Brandon: Agreed. Investors should also be aware that deferred sales charges can vary depending on the mutual fund and the length of time shares are held.

Ariana: Absolutely. Some funds may offer breakpoints or waivers for larger investments or longer holding periods, so it’s important for investors to review the fund’s prospectus for details.

Brandon: Right. Additionally, investors should consider alternative investment options that may not have deferred sales charges if they anticipate needing to access their funds in the near term.

Ariana: Yes, that’s a good point. While deferred sales charges can help investors save money in the long run, they’re not suitable for everyone, especially those who may need to liquidate their investments sooner rather than later.

Brandon: Exactly. It’s essential for investors to carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of deferred sales charges in the context of their overall investment strategy and financial goals.

Ariana: Agreed. By understanding how deferred sales charges work and their potential impact on investment returns, investors can make more informed decisions about their mutual fund investments.