Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Credit limit

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Credit limit

Roy: Hey Hannah, do you know what a credit limit is?

Hannah: Yes, it’s the maximum amount of money a credit card company allows you to borrow.

Roy: That’s correct. It’s important to manage your spending within your credit limit to avoid penalties or fees.

Hannah: I always make sure to keep track of my spending and stay well below my credit limit.

Roy: That’s a good practice. Exceeding your credit limit can negatively impact your credit score.

Hannah: Right, I’ve heard that it can lead to higher interest rates and make it harder to get approved for loans in the future.

Roy: Exactly. It’s also important to regularly review your credit limit and consider requesting an increase if needed.

Hannah: I’ll keep that in mind. How often do you think it’s a good idea to request a credit limit increase?

Roy: It depends on your financial situation, but typically every six months to a year is a good timeframe to reassess.

Hannah: Thanks for the advice, Roy. I’ll make sure to monitor my credit limit and spending habits closely.

Roy: No problem, Hannah. It’s important to stay proactive when it comes to managing your credit.