Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Bid to cover ratio

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Bid to cover ratio

Skylar: Hey Ronald, have you ever heard of the bid to cover ratio in finance?

Ronald: Hi Skylar, yes, I have. The bid to cover ratio is a measure used in auctions, particularly for government securities, to assess demand relative to the amount of securities offered.

Skylar: Exactly, Ronald. It’s calculated by dividing the total value of bids received by the value of securities offered. A higher bid to cover ratio indicates stronger demand for the securities being auctioned.

Ronald: That’s right, Skylar. A high bid to cover ratio suggests that investors are willing to pay more for the securities, which can be a positive sign for the issuing entity.

Skylar: Conversely, a low bid to cover ratio may indicate weaker demand and could potentially lead to higher interest rates or lower prices for the securities.

Ronald: Indeed, Skylar. It’s an important metric for investors and policymakers to gauge market sentiment and assess the success of bond auctions.

Skylar: Absolutely, Ronald. Understanding the bid to cover ratio can help investors make more informed decisions and anticipate market trends.

Ronald: Agreed, Skylar. It’s always crucial to consider various factors, including the bid to cover ratio, when evaluating investment opportunities.