Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Basis point

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about Basis point

Jeremy: Hey Claire, have you ever heard of a basis point in finance?

Claire: Yes, I have. It’s a unit of measure used to describe the percentage change in interest rates or financial instruments.

Jeremy: Exactly. One basis point is equivalent to one-hundredth of a percentage point, making it a useful tool for comparing small changes in interest rates or yields.

Claire: That makes sense. So, if the interest rate increases by 25 basis points, it means it has increased by 0.25%.

Jeremy: Exactly. It’s commonly used in the financial industry to discuss changes in interest rates, bond yields, or other financial metrics.

Claire: Are basis points only used for interest rates?

Jeremy: No, they can be used to measure changes in any percentage-based metric, such as returns on investments or changes in bond prices.

Claire: That’s interesting. It seems like a convenient way to express small changes in percentages.

Jeremy: Definitely. It provides a standardized way to communicate changes in financial markets without having to deal with cumbersome decimal points.

Claire: Thanks for explaining, Jeremy. I’ve learned something new today.

Jeremy: No problem, Claire. I’m always happy to discuss finance topics and help clarify any questions you may have.