Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Attained age

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Attained age

Andrew: Hey, Madelyn, have you heard about attained age in insurance?

Madelyn: Yeah, I think it’s the age you’ve reached at a particular point in time, often used to determine insurance premiums.

Andrew: Right. Insurance companies often base premiums on attained age, meaning they can increase as you get older.

Madelyn: So, how does attained age affect insurance costs?

Andrew: Well, typically, the older you are, the higher your premiums because insurance companies see older individuals as higher risk.

Madelyn: Are there any ways to mitigate the impact of attained age on insurance costs?

Andrew: One way is to lock in a lower premium by purchasing insurance at a younger age, as premiums are usually lower when you’re younger.

Madelyn: Can insurance companies change premiums based on attained age after you’ve already purchased a policy?

Andrew: Yes, they can. Premiums may increase as you get older, especially with certain types of insurance policies like term life insurance.

Madelyn: Is there anything else to consider regarding attained age in insurance?

Andrew: It’s essential to review your insurance policies regularly to ensure they still meet your needs and to be aware of any changes in premiums based on attained age.

Madelyn: Thanks for explaining, Andrew. It’s crucial to understand how attained age can affect insurance costs.

Andrew: Absolutely, Madelyn. Being informed about insurance terms like attained age can help you make better financial decisions.