Advanced English Dialogue for Business – At the close

Listen to a Business English Dialogue about At the close

Ralph: Hey Mary, have you ever heard of the term “at the close”?

Mary: No, what does it mean?

Ralph: “At the close” refers to actions taken in the financial markets towards the end of the trading day, typically in the last few minutes before the market closes.

Mary: Oh, so it’s like the final transactions or orders placed before the market closes?

Ralph: Exactly. Traders may use this time to adjust their positions, execute last-minute trades, or prepare for the next trading day.

Mary: That sounds crucial. Are there any specific strategies or behaviors associated with “at the close”?

Ralph: Some traders may engage in “at the close” trading to take advantage of potential price movements or to ensure their positions are properly adjusted before the market closes.

Mary: I see. So, how does “at the close” trading affect market dynamics?

Ralph: “At the close” trading can sometimes lead to increased volatility as traders rush to execute their orders before the market closes, which may impact closing prices.

Mary: Thanks for explaining, Ralph. “At the close” trading seems like a significant aspect of market activity.

Ralph: No problem, Mary. It’s an important time for traders to manage their positions and react to any market developments before the trading day concludes.