Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Additional bonds test

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Additional bonds test

Nathan: Lillian, have you heard of the “additional bonds test” in finance?

Lillian: No, what is it?

Nathan: It’s a requirement imposed on issuers of municipal bonds to ensure that they can issue additional bonds without jeopardizing the existing bondholders’ security.

Lillian: Oh, so it’s like a check to see if the issuer can handle more debt?

Nathan: Exactly, it assesses the issuer’s ability to generate enough revenue to cover the debt service on both existing and proposed bonds.

Lillian: Are there specific criteria that issuers must meet to pass the additional bonds test?

Nathan: Yes, typically, the issuer must demonstrate that its revenue stream is sufficient to cover the additional debt service without causing a default.

Lillian: I see. So, it’s a way to protect bondholders from potential defaults?

Nathan: Yes, it’s designed to safeguard bondholders’ interests by ensuring that the issuer’s financial health can support additional debt obligations.

Lillian: Can you explain how the additional bonds test is conducted?

Nathan: Sure, it involves analyzing the issuer’s financial statements, revenue projections, and debt service coverage ratios to assess its ability to take on additional debt.

Lillian: Got it. So, it’s like a financial stress test for municipalities?

Nathan: Exactly, it’s a crucial step in the bond issuance process to ensure the financial stability of the issuer and protect investors’ interests.

Lillian: Thanks for explaining, Nathan. It’s interesting to learn about the measures in place to ensure the integrity of municipal bonds.

Nathan: No problem, Lillian. Understanding the additional bonds test is essential for investors looking to invest in municipal bonds.