Advanced English Dialogue for Business – Account statement

Listen to a Business English Dialogue About Account statement

Faith: Hi Julia, do you know what an account statement is in business and finance?

Julia: Yes, it’s a document provided by financial institutions that summarizes the activity and balance of an account over a specific period, like a bank statement or investment statement.

Faith: That’s correct. Account statements are essential for individuals and businesses to track their financial transactions and monitor their account balances.

Julia: How often do account statements typically get generated?

Faith: It depends on the type of account and financial institution, but they’re often generated monthly or quarterly.

Julia: Are there any important details included in an account statement?

Faith: Yes, it usually includes information such as account balances, transactions, fees, interest earned or charged, and any other relevant activity within the account.

Julia: Can individuals or businesses request additional copies of their account statements if needed?

Faith: Absolutely. Most financial institutions allow customers to access their account statements online or request paper copies for a fee.

Julia: Thanks for clarifying, Faith. Account statements seem like a valuable tool for keeping track of financial health.

Faith: Definitely, Julia. They provide transparency and accountability, helping individuals and businesses make informed financial decisions.