Crony Capitalism Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Crony Capitalism Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to Crony Capitalism

Hello everyone! Today, we’re diving into the world of idioms and exploring the meaning and usage of ‘Crony Capitalism’. This term, often heard in discussions about economics and politics, carries a significant message. So, let’s get started!

Defining Crony Capitalism

Crony Capitalism refers to a system where businesses and individuals with close connections to government officials receive preferential treatment, such as financial benefits or exclusive opportunities. In such a system, personal relationships and favors play a significant role, often overshadowing fair competition and meritocracy.

Origins and Context

The term ‘Crony Capitalism’ gained prominence in the late 20th century, particularly in discussions about emerging economies and their challenges. It highlighted the potential pitfalls of an economic system where corruption and nepotism could hinder growth and development.

Usage in Sentences

Let’s now explore some examples to understand how ‘Crony Capitalism’ is used in sentences: 1. ‘The recent scandal involving the government official and the construction company is a classic case of Crony Capitalism.’ 2. ‘The company’s rapid growth can be attributed more to Crony Capitalism than to its actual market performance.’ 3. ‘To ensure a fair and transparent business environment, it is crucial to tackle Crony Capitalism head-on.’ By using this idiom, speakers can concisely convey the presence of an unfair or corrupt system.

The Impact of Crony Capitalism

Crony Capitalism can have far-reaching consequences. It can lead to a lack of trust in institutions, hinder economic progress, and create an uneven playing field for businesses. Moreover, it can perpetuate social inequalities and erode the public’s faith in the fairness of the system.


Understanding ‘Crony Capitalism’ is crucial in comprehending the dynamics of modern economies and political systems. By being aware of this term and its implications, individuals can actively participate in discussions about creating a more equitable and transparent society. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you in the next lesson!