Brave Out Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Brave Out Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to Idioms

Hello, students! Today, we’re going to delve into the fascinating world of idioms. These expressions, often unique to a language, add color and depth to our conversations. One such idiom is ‘brave out,’ which we’ll be exploring in detail.

Defining ‘Brave Out’

When we say someone ‘braves out’ a situation, it means they face it with courage and determination, even though it may be challenging or difficult. It’s about displaying resilience and not letting fear or uncertainty overpower them.

Contextual Usage

The ‘brave out’ idiom is commonly used when referring to tough or trying circumstances. For instance, imagine a student who’s nervous about an upcoming exam. If they decide to ‘brave it out,’ they’ll face the exam head-on, not letting their anxiety hinder their performance.

Variations and Synonyms

While ‘brave out’ is a widely used idiom, there are similar expressions with slightly different nuances. ‘Tough it out’ and ‘soldier on’ convey a similar meaning of persevering through difficulties. However, ‘brave out’ often implies a sense of fear or apprehension that’s being overcome.

Examples in Sentences

To further illustrate the usage of ‘brave out,’ let’s look at a few examples: 1. Despite the storm, the hikers decided to brave it out and continue their trek. 2. She had to brave out the criticism and stay focused on her goals. 3. The team, facing a tough opponent, knew they had to brave it out till the end. In each of these sentences, ‘brave out’ emphasizes the act of facing a challenging situation head-on.


Idioms like ‘brave out’ are not only intriguing but also essential for effective communication. They add depth and nuance to our language. So, the next time you come across the ‘brave out’ idiom, you’ll have a clear understanding of its meaning and usage. Keep exploring the world of idioms, and soon, you’ll be able to use them with confidence. Happy learning!