That’s That On That Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

That’s That On That Idiom – Meaning and Example Usage in Sentences

Introduction to ‘That’s That On That’

Hello everyone! Welcome to today’s English class. In this session, we will delve into the intriguing world of idioms. Our focus for today is the idiom ‘That’s That On That’. You might have come across this expression in conversations or while reading. But what does it really mean? Let’s find out!

Understanding the Meaning

The idiom ‘That’s That On That’ is often used to indicate the conclusion or finality of a matter. It signifies that there is nothing more to be said or done about a particular situation. It’s a way of emphasizing that the issue has been resolved or decided upon, and there is no need for further discussion or action.

Exploring Usage in Sentences

To gain a better grasp of this idiom, let’s explore some example sentences. Consider this: ‘After hours of debate, the committee finally reached a decision. That’s that on that.’ Here, the idiom is employed to convey that the committee’s decision is final and no further deliberation is required. Similarly, in a personal context, someone might say, ‘I’ve made up my mind. That’s that on that.’ This implies that the person has reached a firm decision and doesn’t wish to entertain any further arguments or suggestions.

Variations and Synonyms

While ‘That’s That On That’ is a commonly used idiom, there are variations and synonyms that convey a similar meaning. For instance, ‘That settles it’ or ‘It’s a done deal’ can be used in contexts where finality is being emphasized. These expressions serve as alternatives to ‘That’s That On That’ and can be employed interchangeably, depending on the situation and personal preference.


As we wrap up our discussion on the idiom ‘That’s That On That’, it’s important to note that idioms are an integral part of any language. They add depth and color to our conversations. By familiarizing ourselves with idioms and their usage, we enhance our language skills and become more effective communicators. So, the next time you come across ‘That’s That On That’ or any other idiom, take a moment to appreciate its meaning and the cultural context it represents. Thank you for joining today’s class. Until next time, happy learning!