Question: What is the role of stress in overall health?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Stress can have a significant role in overall health by affecting various physiological and psychological processes, and by increasing the risk of various health problems.

Reason: Stress is a natural and adaptive response to perceived threats or challenges, but can also become chronic and maladaptive if it's not managed effectively.

Example: For instance, chronic stress can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, immune dysfunction, and mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, and can also affect sleep, digestion, and cognitive function.

Alternative: However, stress can also have positive effects on health if it's managed effectively and used as a motivator or enhancer of performance and resilience, and if it's balanced with rest, relaxation, and social support. It's important to recognize individual stressors and coping strategies and to seek professional help if necessary.