Question: Do you prefer fresh or frozen vegetables?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: I prefer fresh vegetables, as they are usually more flavorful, diverse, and nutritious than frozen vegetables.

Reason: Fresh vegetables are harvested and consumed locally and seasonally, and can provide a range of health benefits, such as fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.

Example: For instance, when I go to the farmer's market or grocery store, I like to choose fresh vegetables that are in season and locally grown, such as tomatoes, peppers, or lettuce, as they are more flavorful and aromatic than imported or frozen vegetables.

Alternative: However, frozen vegetables can also be a convenient and affordable option for people who do not have access to fresh vegetables, or who want to save time and reduce waste, as frozen vegetables are often pre-cut, washed, and cooked.