Question: Is transportation infrastructure important for the development of a country?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Yes, transportation infrastructure is important for the development of a country, as it provides the necessary physical and social connections that enable economic growth, social welfare, and cultural exchange.

Reason: Transportation infrastructure can facilitate the movement of goods, people, and ideas, and can reduce costs, time, and risks associated with transportation and logistics.

Example: For instance, a well-developed transportation infrastructure, such as highways, railways, airports, or ports, can connect different regions and markets, and provide opportunities for trade, tourism, and investment. Similarly, a modern and accessible transportation infrastructure can improve access to education, health, and social services, and promote social inclusion and mobility.

Alternative: Other reasons why transportation infrastructure is important for the development of a country may include enhancing national security and resilience, promoting environmental sustainability and climate adaptation, or preserving cultural heritage and diversity.