Question: What is the impact of cultural and societal norms on seeking and offering help?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Cultural and societal norms can have a significant impact on how individuals seek and offer help, including the stigma surrounding mental health and the pressure to be self-reliant.

Reason: Cultural and societal norms can influence how people perceive and respond to health conditions, as well as how they communicate their needs and offer support to others.

Example: For example, in some cultures, mental health conditions may be stigmatized or dismissed, making it more difficult for individuals to seek help or support. Similarly, societal norms around self-reliance may discourage individuals from asking for help or accepting support when they need it.

Alternative: While cultural and societal norms can have a significant impact on help-seeking and offering behaviors, it is important to recognize that attitudes and norms can change over time and that support and resources are available for those who need them.