Question: What's your favorite type of milkshake?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: My favorite type of milkshake is chocolate, as I love the combination of rich and creamy chocolate flavor with a cold and smooth texture.

Reason: Milkshakes are a delicious and indulgent treat that can satisfy one's sweet tooth and provide a cooling refreshment. Chocolate milkshake, in particular, can offer a classic and comforting taste that appeals to many people's preferences.

Example: For instance, some milkshake lovers may prefer other flavors, such as vanilla, strawberry, or caramel, depending on their taste and mood. Others may choose to customize their milkshake with toppings or mix-ins, such as whipped cream, chocolate chips, or fruit.

Alternative: However, milkshakes can also be high in calories, sugar, and fat, and may not be suitable for everyone's dietary needs or preferences. Therefore, it is important to enjoy milkshakes in moderation and as part of a balanced and varied diet.