Question: What are some ethical issues that businesses face?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Some ethical issues that businesses face include employee exploitation, environmental degradation, and social inequality. Businesses may also face ethical dilemmas related to privacy, data security, and intellectual property.

Reason: Business ethics refers to the principles and values that guide ethical decision-making and behavior in the business context. It involves balancing the interests of different stakeholders, such as employees, customers, shareholders, and society, and upholding social and environmental responsibilities.

Example: For instance, some companies have been criticized for exploiting their workers, such as by using sweatshops or child labor. Others have been accused of polluting the environment or contributing to social inequality through their business practices.

Alternative: However, ethical issues can be complex and subjective, and businesses may face conflicting demands and expectations from different stakeholders. Therefore, businesses should adopt a proactive and transparent approach to ethics, engage with stakeholders, and seek guidance from ethical frameworks and standards.