Question: How do you think the future of advertising will look?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: I think the future of advertising will be more personalized, interactive, and ethical. Advances in technology and data analytics will enable advertisers to target specific audiences with tailored messages and experiences.

Reason: Personalized and interactive advertising can be more engaging and effective than traditional methods, as it can create a more emotional connection and foster brand loyalty. Ethical advertising practices, such as transparency and social responsibility, will also become increasingly important as consumers demand more accountability and sustainability from businesses.

Example: For instance, some companies are already using augmented reality and virtual reality technologies to create immersive and interactive advertisements that provide a unique and memorable experience for the consumer.

Alternative: However, concerns about privacy, data security, and information overload may also shape the future of advertising. Consumers may become more selective and skeptical of advertising messages and demand more control over their personal information.