Question: How do people typically handle stress and offer support to others?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: People typically handle stress by practicing self-care and seeking support from family and friends, while offering support to others by listening actively, providing emotional support, and offering practical help when needed.

Reason: Stress can be overwhelming and affect people's mental and physical health. Practicing self-care can help individuals manage stress, while seeking support from loved ones can provide the necessary emotional support and encouragement. Likewise, offering support to others can help them feel less alone and more capable of managing their own stress.

Example: For example, someone experiencing work-related stress may practice self-care by taking breaks, engaging in physical activity, and practicing relaxation techniques, while seeking support from their partner, family, or friends. In turn, they may offer support to a friend going through a difficult time by actively listening, offering words of encouragement, and helping with practical tasks such as cooking or running errands.

Alternative: In addition to seeking support from loved ones, some people may also benefit from professional support such as counseling or therapy to help them manage stress and build resilience.