Question: What role do advertisements play in creating stereotypes?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: Advertisements can play a significant role in creating and reinforcing stereotypes, as they often rely on simplified, exaggerated, or biased images and messages to appeal to the target audience, and may perpetuate harmful or discriminatory attitudes and behaviors towards certain groups of people.

Reason: The reason why advertisements may contribute to stereotypes is that they reflect and shape the social norms, values, and beliefs of the society, and may influence the attitudes and behaviors of the viewers towards themselves and others.

Example: For instance, advertisements that depict women as passive, submissive, or sexual objects may reinforce gender stereotypes and contribute to the objectification and discrimination of women in the workplace and the society. Similarly, advertisements that portray racial or ethnic minorities as inferior, exotic, or threatening may perpetuate racial or ethnic stereotypes and contribute to prejudice and discrimination against them.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that advertisements may also challenge stereotypes and promote diversity and inclusion, by featuring people from different backgrounds, abilities, and lifestyles, and by using creative and positive messages that celebrate the differences and similarities of people.