Question: Do you think people should change jobs frequently or stick with one job for a long time? Why?

Sample Answer (The AREA technique):

Answer: In my opinion, it depends on the individual's career goals, personal growth, and job market conditions. Some people may benefit from changing jobs frequently to gain diverse skills, experiences, and networks, while others may prefer to stick with one job for a long time to build expertise, loyalty, and stability.

Reason: The reason why people may choose to change jobs frequently or stick with one job for a long time varies depending on their motivation, satisfaction, and values, as well as the availability and quality of job opportunities in the labor market.

Example: For instance, a person who wants to become a consultant or a freelancer may benefit from changing jobs frequently to expand their portfolio and reputation, while a person who values work-life balance and job security may prefer to stay with one employer for a long time. Moreover, the job market conditions, such as the level of competition, demand, and innovation, may also influence the decision of people to change jobs frequently or stick with one job for a long time.

Alternative: Alternatively, some people may argue that changing jobs frequently may have some drawbacks, such as disrupting their work-life balance, reducing their benefits and seniority, and lowering their job satisfaction, while sticking with one job for a long time may limit their exposure to new challenges, opportunities, and perspectives.